To lessen the load from the outset, it is worth taking an honest look at your property through a buyers eyes prior to marketing. If there are outstanding items that require repair, then give some thought to improving these areas.
Buyers may well be cautious about more significant items if they think that you can't be bothered about addressing smaller issues. To sell your property, you obviously require potential purchasers to view. The more viewings you have should produce more offers.
By far & away the biggest factor in helping you achieve viewings is the 'curbside' appeal of your property. By all means, sit in your car & look at your home, decide whether you would feel inclined to call the estate agent for that vital viewing. Is that wheelie bin still outside 3 days after it was supposedly emptied? A lick of paint on the front door & a brightly polished letterbox help suggest to the outside world that you take pride in your prize asset.
Once you have your viewers, you will of course need to keep the momentum going. Most buyers tell us that they bought the property ......"because it had a good feel to it". It may not neccessarily have been the property that they expected to buy.
Keep all of your rooms tidy & try to pay as much attention as possible to areas such as the kitchen & bathroom. Pets should be kept out of the way, as you do not want potential buyers looking over their shoulder at the canine members of your family rather than the lovely kitchen that you had fitted last year!
Be open with viewers & answer their questions honestly, they will appreciate a straight reply. Try not to be too overbearing, as the property will speak volumes for itself & consider that some viewers may take longer to look around than others. It is fair to say that if you address these issues, then you have a better chance of selling & possibly for a higher price. Good luck!!